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Free Training Content
This video will give you an in depth look at market structure, show you how it is the same on all types of markets, as well as how to execute high Risk to Reward trades.
Now we look at Supply and demand, we go in-depth, and we look at how we take entries with pin point accuracy and speed.
Some psychology tips, from a trading perspective, and not just the general psychology tips that you would find on the internet.
In-depth explanations from different trading styles & perspectives.
Looking for more entry methods ?
Video Recap.
3 Additional Entry Methods.
Trade & Entry Criteria.
Public telegram
To stay up to date with all public announcements, plans etc, please join our public announcements channel on Telegram.
This is our only channel - This is also the only place from where you can access the channel.
Do not get Scammed..
Join the Community
Here you join the Free or Premium side of our Discord (R110/month ), where we have setups for FOREX, Synthetics, we host multiple streams per week, live trading streams, give-aways, access to in-person bootcamps, trading assets, and more.
Free Discord provides access to specific channels where certain members can assist with training-related questions, but does not include the aforementioned features.
About NelCapital
NelCapital offers an unpretentious and results-oriented community that’s invested in your goals and success. Profits & losses, yeah we share that with everyone.
NelCapital was founded by Dewald Nel, who has simplified the markets to such an extreme point where 1 method of trading is all you need to trade any market out there - forex, synthetics, stocks, crypto, and more.
“I’ve always preferred being low-key, making moves in silence - but seeing how many South Africans have been scammed lately, yeah that made me quite upset as to why someone would try and destroy an industry that is actually so beautiful and freeing… So, I decided to make my training content free, so people are able to learn, and not get scammed.” - Dewald Nel

“There is nothing impossible to
him who will try.”
— Alexander the Great